
Scholars in our programs benefit from trusted relationships with adults.

One-to-One Mentoring

At the foundation of Charting Careers programming are one-to-one mentor relationships. We support real, meaningful, long-lasting bonds between caring adults and young people. Our volunteers commit to supporting, guiding, and being a friend to a young person. Charting Careers provides supportive environments, caring connections, and positive experiences to promote resiliency in children. Volunteers commit to spend up to eight hours per month with their mentee, including communication for 1-2 hours per week with at least one in-person meeting.

Small-Group Mentoring

Charting Careers also provides small group mentoring experiences, where young people participate in a group setting with small groups of trusted adults. Volunteers commit to meeting with youth once a week for 1 hours.


More information on other volunteer opportunities can be found here.

Charting Careers prohibits discrimination in its programs, and in employment, on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or disability.