Click to learn more about Charting Careers as profiled in the March 2025 What’s Up? Annapolis Magazine!
We are delighted to be recognized by Annapolis Moms as an organization they value for our community impact. You can read more about their recognition of Charting Careers here!
The Charting Careers Community Youth Coalition is working through youth groups to combat drug use and misuse throughout Annapolis. Read more here!
Continuing a long tradition of giving back to the community, Crosby Marketing Communications recently held its 12th annual Inspiring Actions That Matter™ Day, working with five local nonprofits, including Charting Careers.
The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy awarded Charting Careers with a 5-year $125K Drug-Free Communities grant. Charting Careers, a local nonprofit focusing on Annapolis youth and families, joins a handful of other Maryland communities to receive an award this grant cycle. The funding will support their goals of advocating policy changes and preventing and reducing youth substance use.
Almost 40 adults from various professions, including artists, marine service leaders. firefighters, entrepreneurs, and more, volunteered their time to share their personal career journeys with more than 250 seventh grade students at Annapolis Middle School on March 7th at our annual Career Day.
Click on the photo and scroll to page 32 to learn more!
Larry L. Griffin’s leadership and advocacy significantly impacted the Clay Street community and greater Annapolis. At the recent Scholarship and Awards Night hosted by Charting Careers, the inaugural Larry L. Griffin Scholarship was awarded to Joniece Pitts, a junior at Towson University studying Art and Design. Sponsored by the Inner West Street Association (IWSA), this scholarship honors Griffin’s dedication to improving Annapolis and supports a deserving student.
The Rotary Club of Annapolis was pleased to welcome staff from Charting Careers on April 18, 2024, as the club presented them with a check for $80,000. The funds are the proceeds from the 2024 Black Tie & Diamonds Gala, which was held on March 9, 2024.
Charting Careers hosted its annual Career Day in partnership with Anne Arundel Public Schools’ Annapolis Middle School with great success on March 7, 2024.
The Spring 2024 issue of Motherlode Magazine celebrates 100 Women At The Helm as leaders making a difference throughout Anne Arundel County. Erin Snell, Executive Director of Charting Careers, has been recognized for her incredible leadership in helping scholars and their family members achieve their dreams.