Staff and volunteers continue to collaborate with our high school graduates through 24 years of age. Since so many of our students are the first in their family to attend college or a credentialing program, the Charting Careers community builds social and cultural capital that helps young adults navigate barriers and promote opportunities (e.g., finding summer internships, understanding the importance of office hours, managing money).

Our scholarship fund helps eliminate gaps that cannot be addressed through traditional scholarships, ranging from dorm room bedding, to a laptop computer, to a suit for a job interview. Having created their story and charted their path, Charting Careers graduates are now ready to live their story!

Measurable program goals and outcomes include:

Obtainment of a paid job or unpaid internship: Charting Careers staff and volunteers help participants identify jobs and internships.

Securing scholarships: Charting Careers staff and volunteers assist scholars with identifying and applying for scholarships.

Initiate and complete their individual success plan. This can include completing community college, 4-year college, certificate program, military, and securing a paid job that matches the youth's areas of career interest.