Charting Careers Community Youth Coalition
Charting Careers and the Charting Careers Community Youth Coalition have been awarded a five-year Drug-Free Communities (DFC) grant from the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
One of six communities in Maryland to receive an award this 2024 grant cycle, Charting Careers will rely on its coalition to mobilize partners from across the community with the ultimate goals of advocating for policy changes and implementing environmental prevention strategies that reduce youth access to, and availability of, alcohol, marijuana and other drugs.
To learn more and get involved, email
Our Executive Director, Dr. Erin Snell, attending the CADCA Forum Prevention Day with three high school scholars.
The Greater Clay St. Collaborative
Charting Careers is the “community quarterback” for a collaborative effort to reduce childhood poverty in the Greater Clay St. Community. The Collaborative is lead by a Steering Committee composed of key community leaders, including representatives from the City of Annapolis Mayor’s Office, The Old Fourth Ward: The New Generation, and local faith-based organizations.
If you would like to learn more and/or get involved, email or
A photo from a recent Greater Clay St. Collaborative meeting, picturing photographer Ron-Shaye Clark (College Creek Church administrator, M.E.G.A.), Ms. Yevola Peters (St. Philips Episcopal Church & Newtwone Community Development Corporation, Anne Thomas (St. Philips Episcopal Church Family Life Center volunteer), Renetra Anderson (Charting Careers Community Impact Specialist/Old Fourth Ward: The New Generation member), Virgil Boysaw, Jr. (Charting Careers Prevention Services Director, AACC GED Instructor at Stanton Center), Teona Hayes (City of Annapolis Mayor’s Office N.A.M. Coordinator), Erin Snell (Charting Careers Executive Director), Pastor Isaac Vineyard (College Creek Church, Lead Pastor), and Ashley Mackell (Charting Careers Education Director). Not pictured: Adetola Ajayi (City of Annapolis Mayor’s Office), Danielle Venerable (City of Annapolis Mayor’s Office), Pastor Meadows (St. Philips Episcopal Church), and Quasette Crowner (First Baptist Church).
Collaborative Supporting Youth
The Collaborative Supporting Youth was a loose collection of 177 non-profits in Anne Arundel County that expressed interest in sharing resources to better serve the county’s youth, while also minimizing redundancy. It was co-founded and co-facilitated by Charting Careers Executive Director, Dr. Erin Snell, and Maryland Reentry Resources Center Executive Director, Vanessa Bright, and guided by a Steering Committee made up of representatives from multiple partner organizations, including Charting Careers, Maryland Reentry Resource Center, Seeds 4 Success, Annapolis Maritime Museum & Park, STAIR, Newtowne Community Development Corporation, Anne Arundel Conflict Resolution Center, Let’s Go Boys and Girls, Chesapeake Children’s Museum, Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts, and Food 4 Thought Community Outreach Services. To learn more about these efforts, please go to
While The Collaborative Support Youth gathered for many years, had successful brown bag lunches, lectures, and coffees, created a (still functioning) Facebook page where nonprofits can share resources, and resulted in multiple, successful collaborative projects (including the Annapolis Backpack Collaborative, which provided backpacks, earbuds, and basic school supplies to approximately 2,500 students during the pandemic, the creation of outdoor learning spaces in two public housing communities, and piloted a project to bring baby books and baby resources to new parents in public housing communities), this effort has largely been on pause and/or has morphed into other efforts.
The newly created Anne Arundel County Nonprofit Center @ 41 Community Plance is now offering “capacity-building support to local 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations with the overall goal of advancing the health and wellness of Anne Arundel County residents” and Charting Careers is proud to support the center.
Our first in-person meeting of The Collaborative Supporting Youth in October 2019.
Check out the resources at the Anne Arundel County’s Nonprofit Center @ 41 Community Place here.
The Partnership for Children, Youth, and Families’ Annapolis Community of Hope
We are also grateful to participate with the Partnership for Children, Youth, and Families’ Annapolis Community of Hope.
The Partnership for Children, Youth, and Families leads regular meetings of the Annapolis Community of Hope.