Our Mission
The Collaborative Supporting Youth is an association of nonprofits, partners, and coalitions that seeks to increase collaboration in order to build a community where all young people thrive and experience wellness, and where a young person’s potential isn’t dictated by race, ethnicity, zip code, or circumstance.
Our Goals
Grow youth engagement/leadership in Annapolis and Anne Arundel County
Increase collaboration among nonprofits and similar groups to support the needs of children, youth, and families in Annapolis and Anne Arundel County
Build nonprofit capacity to continue to grow and improve our work with children, youth, and families
Accomplish collective impact projects together
The Collaborative is co-lead and facilitated by Charting Careers Executive Director, Erin Snell, and Board Member, Virgil Boysaw, Jr. Our work is guided by a Steering Committee composed of leaders from different youth-serving nonprofits and other groups from the Annapolis and Anne Arundel County communities.
The Steering Committee is currently composed of the following individuals/organizations:
Erin Snell and Virgil Boysaw, Jr, Charting Careers
Rita Dorsey, Newtowne Community Development Corporation
Shawn Ashworth, #BePresent at AACPS
Andre Dillard, AACPS Mentoring
Susan Schneider
Erin Lee, City of Annapolis
TBD, Arundel Lodge
Cindy Whittle, Anne Arundel Women Giving Together
Debbie Wood, Chesapeake Children’s Museum
Kendra Keith, Maryland Reentry Resource Center
Jen Pastrone, Seeds 4 Success
Mary Dadone, OHLA or Center of Help
Ron-Shaye Clark, Chesapeake Arts Center
Our Origins
In October 2019, under the leadership of Erin Snell, Charting Career Executive Director, and Vanessa Bright, Maryland Reentry Resource Center Executive Director, a group of nonprofits, with the support from the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County, met to discuss working together to address gaps and limitations in the ways we address these needs.
Out of those discussions, a Steering Committee came together to organize Collaborative meetings and explore ways to help nonprofits and other community stakeholders take collective action to help youth thrive from cradle to career, especially yough facing adversity.
If you are interested in participating, please email AACountyCollaborative@gmail.com
Our Collaborative Commitments
We seek and value all types of diversity. We put equity into action daily. We strive to dismantle inequities, including those present in ourselves, our organizations and our communities. We agree to learn, un-learn and take action.
We engage students, families, and communities most directly impacted by inequities in planning and decision-making. We act with and not for others.
We use data and evidence to measure our efforts and devise solutions to achieve the systemic change we seek.
We act inclusively and cooperatively at all times.
We communicate directly and transparently and act with integrity.
We highlight the wonderful work nonprofits are doing alone and share credit for what we do together. We each own this effort. We each bear responsibility for its success.
Collaborative Meetings
Examples of Collaborative Projects
1) Annapolis Backpack Collaborative (ABC)
Outcome: The ABC raised over $35,000 and provided over 2,400 students with backpacks and school supplies. We couldn't have done it without so many groups and individuals coming together -- THANK YOU!
Project Lead: Susan Schneider with Eastport United Methodist Church
Collaborative Partners: Eastport United Methodist Church, Charting Careers, Seeds 4 Success, Annapolis Police Foundation, Anne Arundel County Partnership for Children, Youth and Families, The Boys & Girls Clubs of Annapolis & Anne Arundel County Annapolis, Pride, Bright Beginning Children's Learning Center, Frances Marketing Group, LLC, Annapolis Recreation & Parks, Riders for Valor, Annapolis Fire Department, Annapolis Professional Firefighters, Local 1926 The Eastport Volunteer Fire Company, Senator Sarah Elfreth, Delegate Dana Jones, Bethany Swain, Jennifer Behler Wilson, Kim Manser Dixon, Annapolis Jaycees, The City Of Annapolis, Rotary Club of Annapolis
Purpose: To raise funds to provide school supplies for middle and high school students during the height of the COVID pandemic
2) Outdoor Learning Spaces
Outcome: Outdoor learning spaces were constructed in two communities. Learn more here: Video Link
Project Lead: Laura Brino with Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts
Partners: Maryland Hall, Charting Careers, Community Transitions - Hood2Good, Dee Ward, Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis, Anne Arundel County Partnership for Children, Youth, and Families
Purpose: To provide additional safe learning and programming spaces for students during the height of the COVID pandemic
3) Fundraising for the Eastport Community Pool
Outcome: The needed funds were raised through various avenues and the pool opened! Read more here. “The Collaborative Supporting Youth has been instrumental with fundraising, even setting up a website (togetherisbest.org/) with a PayPal link for donations.”
Project Leads: Richard Van Dyke and Erin Snell with Charting Careers, Susan Schneider
Partners: Charting Careers, Susan Schneider, Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis, City of Annapolis, Anne Arundel Conflict Resolution Center, EWE Spirit Foundation, Pastor Sheryl Menendez
Purpose: To help the Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis to raise funds to make sure the Eastport Community Pool was able to open for youth and families, despite budget challenges
4) Supporting Community Schools
Outcomes: Multiple nonprofits were connected with Community School partners and began programming
Project Lead: Erin Snell with Charting Careers
Partners: Charting Careers, Anne Arundel Conflict Resolution Center, Newtowne Community Development Corporation, Work Force Development, Let’s Go Boys and Girls, STAIR, Seeds4Succcess
Purpose: To connect nonprofits with Anne Arundel County Public Schools Community School leaders in order to meet student, family, and community needs