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October 2023

Sailing Into Success - All Aboard Into The New School Year!

We are delighted to announce the launch of our 2023-2024 programs, featuring the Navigating TIDES After School Program—a special partnership between Charting Careers and the Annapolis Maritime Museum & Park. We love that our young scholars are experiencing the beauty and healing…..

Read the full newsletter here

September 2023

So Much To Celebrate!

As our elementary, middle and high-school scholars head back to school and our graduates start new adventures away at college, we wanted to pause and THANK YOU. We could not do this life-changing work without you!

Read the full newsletter here

July 2023

Transformative Experiences
This summer we have continued our efforts to work at the individual, family, peer group, school, and community levels to inspire youth to discover their power and reach their goals. It is such a joy to see such positive impacts…

Read the full newsletter here

June 2023

Celebrating Our Graduates On May 17th, we had the honor of celebrating our Charting Careers community with our annual Scholarship and Awards Night! It was an exhilarating evening celebrating the achievements of …

Read the full newsletter here.

May 2023

Support Bright Futures!
This is always an exciting time of year for Charting Careers! We are planning our annual Scholarship & Awards Night, supporting our seniors as they prepare for graduation, and feeling the pride that comes along with celebrating our scholars' growth…

Read the full newsletter here.

February/March 2023

Celebrating What Sets Us Apart
We love seeing scholars accomplishing their goals and improving and maintaining their grades! A HUGE shout out to all of our scholars who worked so hard last quarter.

Read the full newsletter here.

January 2023

New year, new possibilities
In January, we celebrate National Mentoring Month! This month, and every month, we honor and highlight the critical importance of mentoring relationships.

Read the full newsletter here.

December 2022

Thank you and happy holidays!
On this (very cold) shortest day of the year, we feel the warmth of this community, the power of endings and beginnings, and a sense of hopefulness about the future.

Read the full newsletter here.

November 2022

Happy Thanksgiving! We are thankful for YOU!
As Thanksgiving approaches we are thankful for you and our entire Charting Careers Community!

Read the full newsletter here.

October 2022

We are thrilled to have all of our programs back in full gear for the new school year!

Read the full newsletter here.

September 2022

We’re Excited For The 2022-2023 School Year! As we kick off the 2022-2023 school year and enter our 5th year as an Annapolis-based nonprofit organization, we are eager to share some exciting updates

Read the full newsletter here.

July 2022

Sharing Our Fiscal Year 2022 Accomplishments With You
As we look back over fiscal year 2022 and begin to prepare our programming for fiscal year 2023, we thought we would update you on just a few of our accomplishments. It is with your generous donations of time and dollars that we were able to make all of this possible

Read the full newsletter here.


March 2022

We believe in the power of MENTOR relationships!
Currently, 26 of our middle school, high school, and college scholars are matched with individual mentors. An additional match is about to be made, and four new mentors are active in our onboarding process.

Read the full newsletter here.

December 2021

Wishing You and Yours Happy and Healthy Holidays!
This Holiday Season, we send wishes of health and joy to you and yours! We are also mindful of our deep appreciation for the opportunity to be in community with our scholars and their families as well as our volunteers, mentors, donors, supporters, and partners.

Read the full newsletter here.

November 2021

Charting Careers is Thankful!
The Return to In-Person, Group Programming. It is such a delight to see our elementary and middle school students weekly during our after-school program (in partnership with Annapolis Maritime Museum & Park and their Box of Rain program).

Read the full newsletter here.

September 2021

Charting Careers is honored to have received a grant from Anne Arundel Women Giving Together (AAWGT)!
Our Executive Director, Erin Snell, and Director of College & Career Readiness, Leon Thomas, III, had the pleasure of attending the September 2021 AAWGT Grants Showcase during which 2020 grant recipients shared their progress and new grantees shared information about their organizations and grant project plans.

Read the full newsletter here.

August 2021

Scholars are engaged in enriching summer experiences!
Our staff and mentors helped our elementary through rising senior scholars enroll in summer camps and set up internships. One scholar will have her debut on stage this October with a production of The Wiz. (directed by Ron-Shaye Clark, who is also one of our newly-hired Community Navigation Specialists).

Read the full newsletter here.


June 2021

Congratulations to the Charting Careers Class of 2021!
On behalf of the Charting Careers board, staff, volunteers, and supporters, we are thrilled to congratulate our three Charting Careers seniors on their graduation from Annapolis High School. These rising leaders have shown outstanding perseverance, commitment, and grit.

Read the full newsletter here.


May 2021

Dear Charting Careers friends and family,
Please join us in congratulating D'Asia (DeeDee) Jones, Annapolis High School's Class of 2021, Charting Careers Scholar, and just announced: 2021 Recipient of the Lance Corporal Eric William Herzberg and Lance Corporal William Taylor Wild IV $10,000 Scholarship.

Read the full newsletter here.


April 2021

Dear Charting Careers friends and family,
During National Volunteer Week 2021, we want to express a special thank you to all of our remarkable volunteers! This has certainly not been an easy year and yet so many deeply dedicated people continue to show up and volunteer in numerous and important ways.

Read the full newsletter here.


January 2021

The Charting Careers Board of Directors would like to congratulate and express our deepest gratitude to our Executive Director, Dr. Erin Snell!
Erin is the recipient of the prestigious 2021 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drum Major Award (presented by the MLK Jr. Committee of Anne Arundel County) for her exemplary work with Charting Careers, as well as her advocacy and collaborative efforts across our community. Erin works tirelessly to break the cycle of poverty and inequity in Annapolis through mentoring, college and career readiness, family partnership, and leadership for equity.

Read the full newsletter here.


December 2020

Dear Charting Careers Friends and Family,
Even in the midst of difficult times, we are still finding and igniting hope. I want to share a few moments from my work these past few weeks that have given me inspiration and sustained my energy for this critical work:

Read the full newsletter here.


November 2020

Charting Careers is grateful for you!
As we approach a Thanksgiving that will likely look very different this year, there is still so much to be grateful for. I am especially thankful for our Charting Careers community, including our scholars and their families, our mentors, tutors, donors, supporters, partners, staff, and board.

Read the full newsletter here.


October 2020

Charting Careers Recognized for Its Role In Creating a Community Safety Net
Read further to see Charting Careers featured in a recent newspaper article highlighting the impact of the pandemic on local families and the critical buffering effect of efforts like those provided by Charting Careers.

Read the full newsletter here.

September 2020

Dear Charting Careers Friends and Family,
School is back in session and with the layered crises present in our communities, it is more critical now than ever that we continue to support, encourage, and advocate for our students.

Read the full newsletter here.


August 2020

Dear Charting Careers Friends and Family,
I hope this message finds you safe and healthy during these challenging times. With the AACPS announcement that there will be no in-person school in the fall, we all have a lot to prepare for and adjust to.

Read the full newsletter here.


June 2020

Congratulations, Armani, on your graduation!
Dear Armani,
Congratulations on your graduation from Annapolis High School! We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. Read our newsletter here.


May 2020

Letter from our Executive Director
Dear Charting Careers Friends and Family,
We hope this message finds you safe, healthy, and adapting as well as possible to these challenging times. Read the full newsletter here.


November 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!
I want to share how grateful we are to have your support! There is no more important, or challenging, mission than working to break the cycle of poverty in Annapolis. Read more here.


July 2019

From the desk of our Executive Director, Erin Snell
Inspired and excited about what we are going to accomplish together! Read the full newsletter here.